Dr. Justin Norton
Thank you for visiting my webpage. With a long tradition of excellence here at Newport Grammar School, it is our goal to provide your child with an excellent education and a positive and safe learning environment.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
-Dr. Norton

About Dr. Norton:
University of the Cumberlands
Williamsburg, Kentucky
Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership (Ed.D.)
Class of 2019
Carson-Newman University
Jefferson City, Tennessee
Master of Education in Educational Leadership (M.Ed.)
Class of 2010
Carson-Newman University
Jefferson City, Tennessee
Bachelor of Arts in History (B.A.)
Class of 2007
Walters State Community College
Morristown, Tennessee
Associate of Arts in Philosophy (A.A.)
- Administration and Supervision - PreK-12
- Supervisor of Attendance - PreK-12
- Computer Science - K-12
- Superintendent - PreK-12
- Government - 7-12
- History - 7-12
Newport City School System
Newport, Tennessee
Director of Schools
Newport City School System
Newport, Tennessee
Systems and Assessment Supervisor
Newport Grammar School
Newport, Tennessee
Yearbook Advisor
Newport Grammar School
Newport, Tennessee
Assistant Principal, Testing Coordinator
Newport Grammar School
Newport, Tennessee
Seventh Grade Social Studies
Newport Grammar School
Newport, Tennessee
Eighth Grade United States History
Important Weblinks for Parents:
To use these links, simply click on the name. To make your search easier, the links have been organized alphabetically and a short description for each has been provided.
- Aspen: A one-stop way to check grades for all of your child's classes. You can also use this site to communicate with your child's teachers. Aspen also allows you to view your child's attendance and conduct information for the school year. With Aspen, parents have access to a greater amount of information.
- School Calendar: Many important events take place during the school year. On this page, you can find all those important dates.
- School News: Check back often to learn more about major announcements from Newport Grammar School.
- Student Handbook: Use this link for questions about school policies, including: cellphones/electronic devices, dress code, prohibited items, attendance, tardies/early dismissals, and more.